Facility Review and Restoration Projects
1126 Barr Street
Fort Wayne, Indiana
The current church building for Saint Paul’s Lutheran was completed in 1905 and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. Located on the corner of Barr and Madison Streets, the church has long served as a landmark in downtown Fort Wayne. Providing architectural services for a church with such a significant history presented a unique set of challenges. The future needs of the congregation and school, as well as the preservation of the existing architectural style, required special consideration.
Grinsfelder Associates Architects, Inc. provided an initial facility review and developed a twenty-year building program as a result of that study. Phases I & II of the historic church renovation were completed. The cupola has been refurbished with material that should last for another 100 years. The final phase entailed school renovations and additional church restoration.
The firm also worked on the renovation of the adjacent Indiana District Office of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. In addition, a master plan was developed for phased site improvements geared toward creating a cohesive campus for Saint Paul’s, the District Office and Lutheran Social Services.